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What is an Organization page?

Your Organization page on the platform is where your organization’s activity is presented to the other members with whom you will be in contact. It is an essential tool for sharing, providing, and acquiring data.

The Organization page highlights several types of information:  

  • General information about the organization 
  • Data that the organization is offering or seeking   

The Organization page is segmented into different sections providing key information about your organization.  

  • About: contains general information about the organization, such as headquarters details, organization type, and business activity.
  • Themes: this section is interesting because it reveals the type of data the provider would like to monetize.

  • Offerings: lists the offerings published by the organization, if those offerings are visible to all platform members. If no themes or offerings are available on the Organization page, you may contact the organization to find out what they have to offer.

  • Contact: you may connect with the organization’s contact person directly to talk about terms for monetizing data.

Go to the platform now and complete your Organization page to promote it and make it easier to have discussions with other platform members.  

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