You are the only person who can decide whether to publish or remove your offering. To hide an offering:
- Go to the “Publication” menu
- Click on “Edit” for the offering in question
- “Published” status is displayed in the top bar
- Click on the “Unpublish” button.
A hidden offering may be published again at any time.
What are the consequences?
Nobody can access your offering once it is hidden. It is not accessible on the platform or via the URL that you may have sent to your guests.
Any transaction in progress must be honored once it is validated. The acquirer may proceed with payment and receive the data contained in the offering at the time the transaction was initiated.
Will my offering be deleted if I hide it?
No. When you deactivate an offering by hiding it, the offering is still stored. All you have to do is click to publish it again. Depending on your needs, you may modify your offering before publishing.
How do I delete my offering?
You must delete an offering to remove it permanently:
You may only delete an offering that has already been hidden.
- Go to the “Publication” menu
- Click on “More actions” next to the offering in question
- Click on “Delete this offering”
The offering form and associated datasets will be erased from the platform.