Creating the offering
Create a new data offering from Publication > Data offerings > Add an offering. Choose the “Push API” distribution mode.
All the steps here are similar to those present when creating a file-based offering, with a data description, choice regarding visibility on the platform, information related to the license, and pricing. The specificity for this type of offering is found in the “API” step.
Your API specifications
Start by indicating the query method and data format that will be used for sending.
The delivery frequency is provided to your acquirers for information purposes only. Your data is actually delivered as soon as you send it to the provided endpoint.
The parameters are used to generate an endpoint to which your data is sent so the platform can redistribute it to acquirers. This part is very important because it serves as the basis for filters that may be applied to sent data.
Filters enable your data acquirers to configure their endpoint in order to subscribe only to the data that interests them. This feature can be quite useful for avoiding noise in received data (ex.: I would like to subscribe to weather data, but only receive data for a particular region).
Note : Only the required parameters in the request header can be used as filters.
Sending data
In order for each acquirer to receive the appropriate data, the messages you send to the endpoint provided by the platform must only contain one value for each configured filter.
For example: I can define a filter called “City”, with Lyon, Paris, Reims, Dijon, and Nantes, and a “Weather data” parameter with “Temperature”, “Atmospheric pressure”, and “Rainfall”. I must send messages separately containing the following information:
Lyon + Temperature
Lyon + Rainfall
Reims + Temperature
Reims + Rainfall
Consent manager
Consent verification can be applied to a Push API offering. It may only be used if you have declared parameters in the filterable header.
You may then select which of those parameters correspond(s) to the data family in question and beneficiaries.
Endpoint to use
Click on the button “Apply configuration”, which is available when all the parameters are configured correctly.
The platform generates the endpoint to which you must send the data, as well as an API key needed for identification.
In this step, you may retrieve:
An export of all this information in OpenAPI format (formats 2.0 and 3.0 are available)
A cURL containing the automatically generated endpoint, which you must complete with the API key
An API key, which is accessible by clicking on “Copy API key”
Response codes (error and success) used for the endpoint
Technical limitations for sending requests to the endpoint
Define a URL on which your acquirers can access public documentation to make using your data easier.