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How should I manage visibility for my organization page?

At any time, you may configure the visibility of your organization page to make it accessible to people outside the platform.

How to change my visibility to outside visitors?

"Your organization" > "Organization page", in the section named "Visibility".

This is where you can decide whether you want to share your organization's information only with members registered on the platform, or give a preview to non-registered visitors as welll.

Why make your organization page visible to people outside the platform? 

This option is relevant if you wish to launch communication campaigns about the data you offer for an audience that is not yet on the platform. 

What information on my organization page can be seen by non-registered visitors if I activate this option?  

The information about your organization displayed to all will be: its name, description, country of head office and type of organization, as well as the number of employees if entered. If you have published themes, they will also be visible.

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